Body Acupuncture

This is a hands-on body treatment that leaves patients feeling relaxed and renewed. I love showing my patients how just a few treatments can make an enormous difference to their health.

First Session 90 minutes – £90

Follow-up Session 60 Minutes – £75




This can be used in conjunction with other alternative therapies. It takes into account the whole person and helps activate each patient’s natural healing processes as well as restoring their physical and emotional well-being.
First Session 90 minute – £90

Follow up Session 60 minute -£60



Teishin Needle Acupuncture

Acupuncture practice using a non penetrative needle named Teishin which achieves the same results as the usual needles. Highly recommended for those who are afraid of needles and children.

First Session 90 Minutes – £90

Follow up Session 60 Minutes – £60




Moxibustion is the procedure that uses a plant named Moxa (Artemisia vulgaris) to burn at the end of the needle to improve Blood circulation and induce healthy warmth into the body.

First Session 60 Minutes – £60

Follow Up Session 40 Minutes – £40




Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative Medicine in which the therapist puts special cups on the skin for a few minutes to create suction. Improves inflammation, blood circulation, induces relaxation and it is considered a type of deep tissue massage.

Session 30 Minutes – £30




Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing. Practitioners use a technique called pal healing or hands-on healing through which the universal energy is transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing.

Reiki Session – £50



Mental Health Focused Acupuncture

Acupuncture helps not only with physical conditions but also mental health issues such as depression, ADD, OCD, Insomnia and Anxiety.
Prices and session length are the same as the standard acupuncture procedure.



Ear Acupuncture

Auricular Acupuncture uses very small needles inserted on the outer ear for substance misuse with the purpose of detoxification and recovery.
First session – £70

Following Sessions – £50



Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture (Cosmetic Acupuncture)

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture (FRA) or Cosmetic Acupuncture is a technique of Acupuncture which improves skin elasticity through improving the production of collagen. The collagen decreases with aging and the face starts to wrinkle and to show fine or deeper lines. Acupuncture improves the outlook of the face by inserting very fine needles –some of them are so small that they need to be handled by special tweezersin specific points on the face thus forcing the skin to produce more collagen which will fill up the wrinkles. The face will look radiant and healthier after every treatment and this will have a beneficial effect on the whole body.


Have Questions? Get in touch!

Please contact us to discuss any further questions about our treatments.

The Practice Rooms,
96 High Street,
Tunbridge Wells TN1 1YF
07751 556 483

10 + 13 =

Giving your mind a healthy body.


07751 556 483